Mao Asada

Miejsce, w którym możesz dać upust swojego uwielbienia dla danego łyżwiarza/łyżwiarki/pary!

Moderatorzy: Hortensja, kasik8222, LittleLotte, Haley452, Kathiea, Poice

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Rejestracja: 11 lat temu
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Post autor: rzepecha »

Poice pisze:Mao jest najczęściej wyszukiwanym w Internecie sportowcem w Japonii!!!
Miki Ando jest na 5 miejscu, a Daisuke na 8! Łyżwiarstwo jest naprawdę popularne w Japonii :)
:s: wspaniały kraj :D

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Rejestracja: 11 lat temu


Post autor: eastern_star »

Japonia faktycznie piękny łyżwiarsko kraj, a trybuny podczas zawodów zawsze wyglądają tam wspaniale! Skala popularności Mao wydaje się podobna do tej, jaką w Korei cieszy się Yuna, która w swoim kraju zapewne też była najczęściej wyszukiwaną zawodniczką. A fanom łyżwiarstwa pozostaje się tylko cieszyć, że jest na świecie wiele krajów, w których ta dyscyplina jest absolutnie jedną z chętniej oglądanych.

I jedynie szkoda, że na forum nie ma chyba ani jednej fanki Yuny, bo mogłoby się zrobić równie ciekawie, jak w temacie tańców :P

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Posty: 1545
Rejestracja: 11 lat temu
Lokalizacja: Pomorze


Post autor: Poice »

eastern_star pisze:
I jedynie szkoda, że na forum nie ma chyba ani jednej fanki Yuny, bo mogłoby się zrobić równie ciekawie, jak w temacie tańców :P
Ja jestem fanką i Yuny i Mao, chociaż wolę tę drugą za osobowość, ciągłą walkę o dążenie do perfekcji (Yuny programy od dawna mają taki sam układ skokó samo prowadzenie rąk i bolesna mimika twarzy...). Z kolei Yuna imponuje mi nerwami ze stali, no i gdy trzeba to jest w szczytowej formie.

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Post autor: Ania »

O tak, "bolesna mimika twarzy" Yuny - dobrze powiedziane, Poice. Mnie to tak odrzuca, że nawet gdybym nie kibicowała Mao, nie byłabym fanką Yuny. Nigdy.

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Posty: 1545
Rejestracja: 11 lat temu
Lokalizacja: Pomorze


Post autor: Poice »

Wizerunek Mao na samolocie japońskich linii lotniczych xD
[Reakcja Mao była urocza :)]

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Post autor: Paula »

Zdecydowanie moja ulubiona łyżwiarka :D . Uwielbiam ją za jej pełną delikatności jazdę i za jej wytrwałość w próbach skakania 3A. I jej tegoroczny program dowolny... *.* Ta sekwencja kroków jest wprost cudowna!

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Rejestracja: 11 lat temu
Lokalizacja: Pomorze


Post autor: Poice »


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Post autor: kasik8222 »

Niezłe :mrgreen:

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Post autor: Poice »

Pidżama party z Sochi:

z twittera Akikko :)

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Post autor: Poice »

Wypowiedź Mao po LP MŚ:
Looking back on this season, of course, ever since Vancouver I was working very hard and I finally came to where I am today. There’s been many ups and downs, many regrets and disappointments, and happy moments. And it was not only for this season, but after finishing this season, I could truly say figure skating is wonderful.

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Rejestracja: 11 lat temu
Lokalizacja: Pomorze


Post autor: Poice »

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Lokalizacja: Pomorze


Post autor: Poice »

Oda o Mao i jej występie w Sochi
Tłumaczenie ang:
Oda says that the fundamentals are really important in skating but he wasn't stoic enough to endure the fundamental skating practices. The person who has the skills to be stoic to enhance herself is Mao. She practices like a monk in training.

Oda: 3A is a really difficult technique even for men and the fact that she succeeded in jumping 3A when she was just 14 is a result that comes from nothing but her efforts. Also, she spent 4 years correcting her jumps from scratch. Her jumps suffered for 1~2 years but she overcame them. I had a problem where I'd crouch before doing axels and the judges used to advise me to correct them, but I ignored them. Usually, people don't correct jumps after reaching maturity because they're extremely difficult to change so they give up after 1~2 months. Mao broke down her old techniques and spent 2 years redoing her fundamentals step by step with her coach and showed us the compilation of her skating skills in Sochi.
MC: She didn't do well in her SP. Weren't you shocked?
Oda: Totally shocked. The skater before Mao was Sotnikova and she skated really well and the cheer from the crowd was enormous.
MC: And how much time did she have to start her program?
Oda: 1 minute. When the crowd cheers like that for the skater before you, you curse your bad luck and just want to run away. The crowd was so loud and the fence between the rink and the coach is wider at the Olys than at other competitions so I was afraid she'd be unable to hear what her coach was saying, then she went off to start her program so I was really concerned, then she made mistakes like I'd never seen before. I think they were caused by the pressure from the crowd, pressure of the Olys. But I thought her skating was beautiful as a result of the 4 years of hard work so I sent her a message on LINE saying that "there were mistakes, but thank you for your beautiful skating" and she replied "Thank you" and we exchanged a few words like "I'll do my best tomorrow" and "You can do it. I trust you" then after she skated the FS, I cried.
MC: I think everybody cried. She's like the "national daughter".
Oda: I just want to say that the scoring was really strict. She skated in the earlier group as a result from her SP so I don't think the judges knew what to do when she skated so well. I think they should have scored her higher. She received URs for a couple of the jumps. When I was watching her in slow motion, I was shouting "That was NOT a UR!", "That 3-3 was rotated!", "She needs to be scored higher!". Of course, I was shouting at the TV because I can't say it to their faces…
MC: You're retired now. You're the only one who can say those things.
Oda: I think they were extremely strict on her.
MC: Those jumps were fully rotated right?
Oda: Those jumps were fully rotated! Anyone could tell that they were perfect! What were they looking at!?
Źródło: GS

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Posty: 1545
Rejestracja: 11 lat temu
Lokalizacja: Pomorze


Post autor: Poice »

Mao w kimonie!

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Posty: 1522
Rejestracja: 10 lat temu
Lokalizacja: Opole


Post autor: LittleLotte »

Mao w kimonie!
Wygląda fantastycznie :02:

Mówimy, jak zawsze, różnymi językami [...]. Ale rzeczy, o których mówimy, nie ulegną od tego zmianie, prawda? (Michaił Bułhakow)
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Posty: 101
Rejestracja: 10 lat temu
Lokalizacja: Śląskie


Post autor: Paula »

Wygląda niesamowicie uroczo :12:

Mao Asada - Julia Lipnicka - Daisuke Takahashi - Yuzuru Hanyu - Zijun Li
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