: 2014-03-30, 20:46
Orser był rewelacyjnym łyżwiarzem. I naprawdę podziwiam go, że tak świetnie sobie również radzi w roli trenera.
Uprzedziłaś mnie, bo też właśnie chciałem dodać Super zdjęcie (jak zresztą większość)!Poice pisze: Z Julią [tradycyjnie <3]:
Źródło: GS"Kokubun: It has been two days since you won the gold medal. Can you tell us how you feel?
Yuzuru: I must say that I am happy but when I think about it winning the Olympics and winning Worlds those were both big things for me but they are only part of this season and I need to look forward to next season and the new competitions and do my best for that.
K: Over the past two days have you had any time to mentally relax?
Y: Well, I’m a little tired. This season, which included the Olympics I felt was a little long, but I overcame many challenges and felt I improved which is an important point.
K: Since you won the Olympic medal, hasn’t your environment changed a lot including the people around you? Given that was the case how did you deal with it and what were your hopes for the World Championships?
Y: Well, Worlds were held in Japan and many, many people supported me so I was able to feel really good and enjoy myself while I was skating.
K: Japanese Nationals and also World Championships were both held in the Saitama Super Arena but for this competition what did you feel regarding the cheers of the 18,000 spectators in the audience?
Y: Well, I could really feel that the audience are true skating fans and love skating. In addition they could enjoy a variety of skating from the various skaters who came from all over the world.
K: In today’s exhibition, what kind of program are you planning to perform?
Y: For me this particular program is very special. It is a program about looking forward, about being able to continue to skate against the odds. Also, it is a program that many people will feel an affinity for and be a little sentimental about so I want to skate my very best for them.
K: We are looking forward to it! Thank you very much.
Y: Thank you too. "
Źródło: Tumblr[Translation by a-m-n-o-s@tumblr. I was on hiatus but still decided to translate this (in the middle of the night lol) because I thought it was such a good interview Rough translation only; I tried my best…]
Ask: What is most important to you in order to perform well?
Yuzu: For me, it is “Adversity”. The more adverse the situation is, the more I can perform; the more I want to win. Even the pressure after getting Gold is an adverse situation. For example, it is easier being in the situation whereby other skaters (who are not Gold medallists) try to catch up to me. But since I am the only one with the Olympic Gold medal, so it also places me in an adverse situation (T/N: Yuzu is trying to explain that since he won the Gold medal, there was a lot of pressure on him as well, which placed him in an adverse situation). However, this motivated me to rise up and take on the challenge even more. In Worlds 2014, Machida did a really good SP and FP, and I felt the predicament.
Ask: Coach Orser made the suggestion a few times to change your 4S jump to 4T jump, so why did you insist on doing 4S?
Yuzu: Actually before Sochi Olympics, the previous seasons, I also couldn’t perform the 4S jumps well. Coach Orser suggested to change 4S to 4T, but I think that even though it might be easier to perform the jumps successfully, I might not be able to move forward to the next season, the next Olympics. So, I refused to give in, because I cannot and do not want to stop here.
Ask: Your name (Yuzuru) sounds like “yuzuri” (T/N: in Japanese, it meant “to easily concede”) [He meant it as a joke.]
Yuzu: (Laughs) No, I will definitely never concede.
Ask: There are definitely risks in whatever you do right?
Yuzu: Yes, there are. But I think for humans, it’s only when we face adversity can we produce the material; it’s easier for me to focus. I see adversities and challenges as “tools” for me to focus on what I am doing.
[Interjection of video of Yuzu’s SP in Sochi Olympics]
Yuzu: I think I did well for the SP, but was really frustrated by my failed jumps in FP. So I trained really hard on my 4S, my FP’s practices are around 1.5 times more than before.
Ask: I think it might be really rude to say this but you don’t seem to possess the “feeling” of being an Olympic Gold medallist… (T/N: He’s trying to say that he don’t get the sense that Yuzu is an Olympic Champion; hahah even I felt the same way too~)
Yuzu: (Laughs) I also felt that same way about myself. Because I have the impression that someone who can become a Gold medallist is a lot stronger (than who I am now). So, I feel that I have not reached the level that I thought a Gold medallist should be. Even when I have the gold medal, but having a gold medal does not mean you are a “Gold medallist”, and it’s only when you are strong enough, then can you be worthy of the “Gold medallist” title. (T/N: The level of maturity Yuzu displayed here is simply astonishing!!)
Ask: With regards to the future and 4 years later…
Yuzu: As for the future, I wanted to try more types of Quads. I practiced a lot, so there are some types of Quads I am able to jump successfully. As for 4lz, I was not able to make a successful jump but I did have enough revolutions per jump. As for 4A, I still lacked ¼ of a revolution to complete it successfully. After getting the gold medals, I am aiming higher. My dream is to become a really strong skater who will never lose. As an athlete, I think I must go ahead and challenge the extreme. Regardless of lose or win, I want to try my absolute best, to get the feeling that, “Ah, I did it!”.
Ask: What will be your attitude towards the next 4 years?
Yuzu: Even when I said that my performance at Sochi Olympics was regrettable, but there was not a single competition that I don’t feel some form of regret, so even when the results might not be good, I wish to experience all the competitions, all these feelings of regret.
Ask: I think 4 years will be gone by in a breeze, won’t it?
Yuzu: Yes, I think so too.
Ask: At the Pyeongchang Olympics 2018, you will be 23 years old already?
Yuzu: Yups, I will be 23 years old.
Ask: Will you still continue on at that time?
Yuzu: No, I don’t think so… After Pyeongchang, it’s “Half-Half” (laughs). (T/N: I think it literally means half and half; fifty-fifty, sounds slightly undecided)
Myślisz, Poice, że Yuzuru może być pierwszym łyżwiarzem, który skoczy 4A? Mnie się to wydaje całkiem możliwe.. As for 4lz, I was not able to make a successful jump but I did have enough revolutions per jump. As for 4A, I still lacked ¼ of a revolution to complete it successfully.
Axel to jego ulubiony skok. 3A skacze regularnie od wielu już lat i po kosmicznych wejściach, a nawet z miejsca. Jest w stanie skoczyć "super sekwencje", czyli 4T+3A, 4T+3A+3A, 4S+3A, nie mówiąc już o 4T+3A+3A+3A+1A (którą skoczył na gali tylko raz, z tego co pamiętam).LittleLotte pisze:Myślisz, Poice, że Yuzuru może być pierwszym łyżwiarzem, który skoczy 4A? Mnie się to wydaje całkiem możliwe.
Tak, wiem o tym, ale po polsku mówimy Rittberger, więc trzymam się polskiego nazewnictwa - z przyzwyczajenia.LittleLotte pisze:4R w sensie 4Lo? Rittberger po angielsku to loop, więc ISU posługuje się tą nazwą.
4Lz chyba pierwszy skoczył B. Mroz. 4R jeszcze w zawodach nie został skoczony - Yuzuru chce być pierwszy. Co do 4F - jak sam mówi - nawet gdyby był w stanie wylądować 4F to nigdy go do programu nie włączy (Yuzuru to chroniczny lip'owiec). Obstawiam, że najszybciej doda do programu 4Lz, ponieważ jego skoki "kopane" prezentują się lepiej niż "krawędziowe". Poza tym jego 3Lz skakany z opóźnieniem w kombinacji z 3T robi wrażenie.LittleLotte pisze:Tak nawiasem mówiąc, to rittberger to dopiero "trzeci" skok (jeśli chodzi o trudność wykonania). Wart 12 punktów (bazowo), poczwórny flip to 12,30, a lutz - 13,60. Axel to 15 punktów. Lutza już ktoś wykonywał, flipa chyba nie, i rittbergera też chyba nie. Więc wszystko jeszcze przed nim.
Adelina ma moc i dobrą technikę, jej 3T jest piękny, więc nie zdziwię się jak wyląduje 4T.LittleLotte pisze:Swoją drogą, Adelina chce być drugą łyżwiarką, która wykona poczwórny skok. Pisałam już tu gdzieś, że zapowiada na przyszły sezon 4T, ale "nic nie obiecuje" :P