Strona 7 z 20

: 2014-04-08, 17:18
autor: Poice
olcia pisze:Ja dla mnie rotacja była ok i w jednym i w drugim skoku, no może trochę UR, ale raczej mieści się w ostatniej ćwiartce.
Ciężko ocenić z takiego kąta kamery :D

Filmik, który świetnie oddaje jak bardzo popularny jest teraz Yuzuru
Prowadzące program fangirlują gorzej niż nastolatki xD W skali od 1-10 ich fangirlowanie na punkcie Yuzuru wg mnie to jakieś 9+ (sama siebie oceniam na 7 xD). Niestety bardzo szybko mówią i nie wszystko rozumiem, ale dobrze, że Japończycy umieszczają napisy. Sedno jest takie, że zapytano 67 kobiet o pięć najbardziej atrakcyjnych cech Yuzuru. Na piątym wewnętrzna siła (内面), na czwartym "kawaii"/piękna twarz (かわいい顔、キレイナ顔) xD (padłam przy tym, bo ta pierwsza fanka się popłakała jak o nim mówiła :D), na trzecim ogólnie jego występy (tutaj wskazują elementy, które w jego programach im się podobają np. Ina Bauer), na drugim nieśmiały uśmiech (ハニカミ笑顔), gdy nie udają mu się quady xD, a na pierwszym ogólnie jego styl (スタイル).
Świetny ten program, popłakałam się ze śmiechu :mrgreen:

edit 1.
Z bankietu MŚ (z jakiegoś japońskiego czasopisma):

: 2014-04-09, 13:30
autor: handomi
Yuzuru wylądował dzisiaj na pokazie quad loopa !! :razz:

Niestety chyba nie było kamer

: 2014-04-09, 20:41
autor: Poice
handomi pisze:Yuzuru wylądował dzisiaj na pokazie quad loopa !! :razz:

Niestety chyba nie było kamer
Jeżeli faktycznie nikt tego nie nagrał, no to wielka szkoda. Z drugiej strony jestem przekonana, że Yuzuru będzie dalej próbował 4R na kolejnych pokazach :)

: 2014-04-09, 21:00
autor: handomi
Jakieś informacje z twita mówią, że jednak były kamery i może jutro w japońskich newsach pokażą tego loopa.

Ja jestem pewien, że przynajmniej raz w nastepnym sezonie w zawodach spróbuje go wylądować zamiast salchowa, jeżeli będzie mógł sobie pozwolić na upadek przy skoku, tylko po to by mieć w historii "pierwszy, który wylądował quad loopa w zawodach..." :mrgreen:

: 2014-04-10, 17:02
autor: Poice
Wywiad Yuzuru i Tatsuki po gali w Osace
Interviewer: What do you think about Hanyu winning 3 Gold Medals?
Machida: He has a lot strength that I don't have. I'm inspired by him.
I: What kind of strength?
M: For example, if Hanyu was a mouse and a Lion attacked him, he would not cower but fight the lion and win! He has that strength.
H: I still have places where it is just jumps I want to be fully artistic like Machida.
I: You said you would crush Hanyu...
H: They focused on just that one portion
M: They did, they didn't take it in context, it was half a joke half earnest. I want us to compete next season.
Źródło: GS

Kolejne zwierzenie Yuzuru xD : Video ok 1 min:
When asked what catches his sight among all the flowers and presents being thrown at him after each skate,

Yuzuru answered: “Mostly all the big Pooh-san stuffies! “

Then he said he has received so many, so he keeps most of them in his home… AND SLEEPS WITH THEM

*adorable laugh* …aww he was a abit embarrassed lol
Źródło: Tumblr

Ok 2 min 6-letni Yuzuru z programem do Lucky Luke :D 05:40 jest jego mama, przygotowująca kostium do Fire Bird :D

: 2014-04-11, 08:36
autor: Poice
Kolejny świetny wywiad Yuzuru. Czasami trudno mi uwierzyć, że on ma 19/20 lat. Jego wywiady są bardzo dojrzałe.
Yuzuru Hanyu - Mainichi interview 10th April 2014

Q: Do you have any thoughts on achieving three world wins in the Sochi Olympics, World Championships, and GPF?
A: I fully feel as if I put forth all effort; even though with every competition I have to cope with exhausting my energy, being able to achieve such a thing makes me feel very fulfilled. Through competitions I’ve also obtained experience as well as extreme regret at the same time. For the future me, this will be a big help. It has been a wonderful and fruitful.

Q: During this season, were there any particularly painful times?
A: There weren’t any particularly painful times. Painful is okay; however it is, is okay. Also all I think about is doing things diligently; working hard at every competition and displaying the best performance. Because of this, I’ve never felt that any competition has been overly grueling.

Q: After the Sochi Winter Olympics, you said, “The Olympics are powerful.”
A: The surroundings there and those of other competitions have huge differences, and there is a kind of nervousness that is nonexistent with other competitions. Even the awards ceremony is different and feels very special. But being able to observe it like this was something that happened after the games. I was happy to win out in this sort of competition.

Q: Three years ago when the earthquake occurred, you were affected in your hometown of Sendai. At the Olympics, you replied, “Even if I become the Olympic Champion, it doesn’t mean that Japan will recover. It makes me feel helpless”; how are you going to erase this feeling?
A: I haven’t erased it yet. Since I am still an athlete, if I back off there is no way for me to move forward at all (in supporting the victims). Entering this period of time, I will enter more exhibitions; if we’re talking about what these exhibitions would do, truthfully they can’t really do anything. I’m only doing what is possible for me right now, bringing a grateful heart with me as I go to many exhibitions. During the season when the earthquake happened, I received support from many exhibitions of many places. I hope that through these new multiple exhibitions, I can tell everyone, “With everyone’s help, I was able to work until this point.”

Q: At the end of the Olympics, you brought the gold medal back to Sendai and received many congratulations; what do you feel about that?
A: Lots of people said “congrats” but my performance wasn’t good enough for me to accept it myself and left a very regretful memory. Because of this, even though I’m happy that everyone was congratulating me, hearing “After today, I’ll support you forever” makes me feel even worse. As a figure skater, and an athlete, the Olympics are such an important event. But from today on, there will be many competitions aside from the Olympics that are unique. I hope that I can become a competitor that will receive the audience’s support at every competition.

Q: There have been those who won a gold medal, and then felt at a loss toward the road in front of them; how are you going to make yourself avoid this kind of situation?
A: I haven’t thought about things like this before. Even though this season I won the gold, starting from next season, there will be a completely different kind of world. There isn’t a meet that will take place at the exact same place, and show the exact same performances, or begin a competition on the exact same ice rink. Although the rewards will not change, I do not want to pursue the same title; but to begin working hard again for the new Worlds and the new GPF.

Q: You said before that you’re setting Plushenko and Yagudin and those champions as your goal; for that to come true, what needs to happen?
A: After March’s Worlds, this thinking has changed a bit. Because I won the Olympics, the desire to keep on winning is very strong as I have the self-respect for becoming Olympic Champion. But for the developments after today in figure skating, I’m very anticipatory. There are many people that can do more types of quads than me. What kind of changes will this make to competitions; even though we also have to see what changes there are in the rules, the skill in single men’s figure skating will change according to the times. I also will not fall behind anyone, and while I’m improving my skill level, I’ll also strive to become a member of the top group of skaters.

Q: Why did your thinking change after Worlds?
A: At Worlds, when I challenged Tatsuki Machida-senshu, I won by 0.33 points and that made me wonder whether I truly needed this kind of highlighted position. At this time, maybe I do need that kind of identity, but afterward winner or champion and those titles will cease to be important. Time will always develop into everyone’s rival. “For that competitor to win isn’t strange at all”; that kind of situation makes my heart tremble. I don’t want to win at all costs anymore, or become the champion every single year. I just want to show the self that has become stronger to enemies, and win with higher skill.

Q: Your status with a different quad?
A: Beginning this rest period, I will begin to challenge it. There are still many exhibitions, and my practice time has been affected, so I haven’t begun to seriously practice it yet. Because it hasn’t yet been shown in an actual competition, maybe not a lot of people know, but in reality there are quite a few competitors that have landed a quad loop, or quad lutz in practice. I have to remember this, and prepare myself for a time that will perhaps change. Jumps are crucial, but in expressive ability, there is also work to be had.

Q: Do you have the thought that you want to be the first ever to make a jump?
A: How should I say it? It’s hard to put into words. It’s not that I don’t want to jump, but it hasn’t developed to that point. I don’t want to merely perform a certain jump in a competition to get put down as a record. As long as one person succeeds, everything will change, and all I want is to be able to keep up with that change as well. And in addition, not only with jumps, I feel that being able to express your inner emotions like Machida does will become more and more important.

Q: In order to improve expressive ability, what kind of ideas do you have?
A: There’s a lot that I want to try out, but I don’t have any particular plans. But in my coach’s, choreographer’s, and my own heart, we have a clear direction we want to go into.

Q: In the coming season, what kind of program do you want to show?
A: I want to do a performance that will let me show my emotions. I personally like the jumping elements in figure skating, so because of it I keep practicing jumps to raise the success rate, and then in programs I’ve leaned towards jumps as the point. But in the past I’ve never emphasized jumps as much as now, and I had a strong desire to express myself. Thinking back to my feelings from back then, I didn’t only want to express myself, but also to learn the different ways of doing so. After the Olympics, I discovered this.

Q: As for Daisuke Takahashi, has he not made clear his intended actions for the future?
A: I want to see his new program, as his performances have benefited me. I hope that Takahashi-senshu will be able to continue his career as a competitor. The skill level of Japan’s male singles right now can allow us to send out pretty much anyone and have a chance at the top two spots. That kind of competition makes people very excited, but at the same time it can be difficult.

Q: In such intense competitions, it can make you push yourself up.
A: That’s definite; more than everyone expects, I’m chasing after the image in my heart. I have some sort of desire to keep climbing upward, one that’s becoming stronger. I have many rivals, and in my heart I have many different kinds of enemies. Because of this, I’ll prepare and work hard for the upcoming season.

Q: The enemies in your heart are…?
A: Regardless whether he exists or not, it’s the one in the future; my unclear selves. I have a goal, not to practice without a purpose, but practicing toward that goal. I want to get closer to that goal, and I’ll discover that when I get closer by one or two steps, it’ll move away one or two steps. I believe that I can always be in the position of the pursuer.

Q: What do you feel you will be like ten years from now?
A: Probably about to leave the skating world -laugh-. I would already be 29 years old, so if I don’t retire it would be very difficult. In ten years, I want to provide support more directly - not only for the areas struck worst by the earthquake in Japan, but other areas that have been victimized differently. I want to have the strength to organize charitable exhibitions, and use my own suggestions to put my support into action.

Q: Takahashi alone created a charitable exhibition; can these actions become set as examples?
A: Of course. After the earthquake, for me to be able to stand back up and revive my desire to skate was due to that exhibition. Not only for the earthquake, but for Japan’s skating rink environment that isn’t that good, in the future I want to move toward supporting that area as well. That isn’t the end, but I consider it one of my responsibilities, to contribute to the figure skating world.

Q: Has this kind of thought become stronger since you went to train in Canada?
A: In Canada the prevailing ice sport is hockey, but the people on the ice add up to be more than those in Japan. Japan doesn’t have many permanent rinks, and that makes it very difficult for many competitors and families to continue skating. I hope to be able to do something that will help these people. It was difficult for me to become Olympic Champion, and getting this title doesn’t give me the right to do so right now, but I hope to be able to in the future.

Q: For the approaching season, what kind of preparations are you making?
A: I don’t have specific decisions yet, but I’ll be going to the Garden Party, and there are also activities in Sendai, and I haven’t decided when I’ll be returning to Canada.

Q: Do you have any ideas for your next programs?
A: I’m also going to think about that when I return. I have to talk it through with my coaches, but there so far haven’t been any formal discussions, so when I go back we’ll pick through it.

Q: Starting from next season, programs with lyrics are allowed; do you have any interest in this?
A: Don’t say any interest, that’s not something I can decide on my own. The dance moves, or song choice is something that’s still out of reach for me. Because I have no knowledge of those things, I have to even more listen to the advice of the professional choreographers and then put in ideas until it is satisfactory and then use it.

chinese trans: weibo
eng trans: hanyusan
Źródło: Tumblr

: 2014-04-11, 19:35
autor: Poice
Yuzuru doczekał się własnego Blue-ray'a :D Premiera 21 maja :D
Obrazek Obrazek

White Legend (2010 Japan Nationals)
Étude in D minor, op. 8 no. 12 (2011 Japan Nationals)
Parisienne Walkways ( 2012 Japan Nationals, 2013 Japan Nationals, 2014 Olympics)


Zigeunerweisen (2011 4CC)
Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini (2010 Junior Worlds)
Notre-Dame de Paris (2012 Japan Nationals)
Romeo and Juliet (2013 Japan Nationals, 2014 Olympics, 2014 Worlds)


Sing! Sing! Sing! (2007 Japan Junior Nationals)
Firebird (2007 Japan Junior Nationals)
+ private footage
Cena: ok. 45 EUR, ok. 57 USD, 5000-6300 yenów.

Tak z innej beczki:
Na dole t-shirtu do treningów Yuzuru ma słowa piosenki jego ulubionego zespołu:
,,You’ve made it this far, be proud…
Your path lay in all 360 degrees."

: 2014-04-11, 20:41
autor: yenny
Poice :razz: - ta emotka to ślinotok i zazdrość :->
Normalnie zazdroszczę tym Japończykom coraz bardziej.

: 2014-04-12, 09:09
autor: handomi
Yuzuru 4T 3A 3A 3A

: 2014-04-12, 14:44
autor: yenny

: 2014-04-12, 21:26
autor: Poice
handomi pisze:Yuzuru 4T 3A 3A 3A

Wow, jaka jakość! Skoczył tę sekwencję jakby to była najłatwiejsza rzecz na świecie.

edit. 14.04.
Kolejny dokument o Yuzuru (ale też o Tatsuki i Daisuke) - są też wypowiedzi Orser'a po angielsku :)
Najważniejsze wypowiedzi:
Hanyu: Orser helped (Yuna) to a gold medal, there were those thoughts, but also I wanted to level up and absorb new skills.
One of the first things Orser concentrated on was the skating skills.
Hanyu: I was thinking that I needed to do better in my skating skills but I had not thought about exactly what to do or how to do it. this was new to me.

About the 4S:
Hanyu: If I had done 2 4T's it may have been easier and it may have made my performance more stable. But if I had done that it would not have connected to the next season and the next Olympics. I can't stand still here.
About the OGM:
Hanyu: If I had lost the gold medal I would have understood. There definitely would have been regret though. If I had tried the salchow, and fallen and lost, then I would know that I need to practice the salchow and improve my performance.
If I had done 2 toeloops and done a no-miss performance and lost, then I would wonder what do I need to aim for? If I don't give it all my strength, then I would always wonder where my limits are.
About the future:
Hanyu:The 4A is 1/4 under. In the official list of jumps, there is a 4Axel listed. I practice the 4A to raise my motivation, I will be come stronger, strong enough to do this jump.
Hanyu: I want to aim beyond a Gold medal. My dream is to be a strong competitor that doesn't lose. That is the image of the competitor that I aim for.

: 2014-04-17, 16:57
autor: Poice
Nobu przeprowadził wywiad z Yuzuru :)
Tłumaczenie na angielski:
Nobu: Please sit down. (laugh)
Yuzuru: (laugh) What is this beginning? How are you going to treat me?
Nobu: I was told to have some free conversation (with you).
Yuzu: Oh, we are going to have a free conversation then?
Nobu: But I am not good at that, so (I just hope to help you talk?)
Yuzu: Oh, does that mean I can talk whatever I want?
Nobu: So, how’s it going? (laugh)
Yuzu: Well, what do you mean by IT? (laugh)
Nobu: The season has ended and you are having more time to relax now. So what changed after getting the OG gold?
Yuzu: The things surrounding me have changed a lot, but I myself have not changed much. So, it just felt like I had one extra competition at the end of the seasons and it has ended.
Nobu: Well, but the OG that you were working hard for… oh, congratulations for your gold.
Yuzu: Thank you. Such a late congrats (laugh).
Nobu: Sorry to say it after such a long time. (laugh)
Yuzu: Well, but talking about the gold, well, I did aim for it, but now I have it,.., well, my performance was really regrettable, so…
Nobu: But, I was watching it and it was so intense.
Yuzu: No, it was not. (Nobu was saying “yes, it was”.) But I was very nervous.
Nobu: I know. I was too. (Both laugh.)
Yuzu: But, really, there is something (about the OG).
Nobu: I know, the athletes all work hard to go there. It is the dream stage for them. But, it is not the dream stage, but it is their battle stage, actually. I don’t think I understood that. I was rather satisfied with being on my dream stage. Anyway, enough of my story.
Yuzu: But, I think I can sympathize with your story. I didn’t have much time before the team even, but even before I went to Sochi, I tried to think this was not my dream stage, but it was just another competition in which I have to give my performance. I tried hard to convince myself that way.

Narration: One thing that played a role in his victory is his quad jumps. The stability of his 4 jumps is one of the best in the world.

Yuzu: I am confident with my 4 toe loop.
Nobu: You jump that jump one after another. When we practice for an ice show together, you start to jump quads after 10 min (after they started). We usually jump 3 axels after we do warm-ups, but you jump 3 axels in your warm-ups, so we go like “hold on, Hold On, HOLD ON” (laugh) Can you tell me how to do that? How do you jump? How do you jump 3 axels?
Yuzu: 3 axels.. well, it is like crashing into a wall.
Nobu: Crashing into a wall?
Yuzu: So there is a straight wall and it is like you jump along the wall tightly.
Nobu: You jump along the wall tightly…hmmm, well I am going to teach my students like that. Thank you. (laugh)
Yuzu: (laugh) Is this really necessary?

Next topic (3:47) the 4 loop

Nobu: So now you can jump 4 loop.
Yuzu: You’ve got the latest news, haven’t you?(laugh)
Nobu: Yup, the latest news.(laugh)

Narration: What Hanyu is trying is 4 loop, which is more difficult than 4 toe loop. No one has succeeded in a competition.

Nobu: Kanako, when we saw you jump (4 loop), went like “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.” She kept on saying that. How is it? How do you feel (when you do that)?
Yuzu: Well, like I said, you can jump like “whoosh”.
Nobu: I don’t get that “whoosh”. I don’t understand that feel.
Yuzu: There is one thing I now understand through practicing 4 loop. My 4 sal is getting stable since I started practicing 4 loop. I think the crucial techniques for 4 loop is the same as those of 4 sal, and maybe as those of 4 toe loop and since I can focus on those, my 4 sal is getting better.
Nobu: I see, so your 4 sal is affecting on your 4 loop?
Yuzu: Yes, I think so.
Nobu: But, really, do not rash. You did that jump in a show, so everyone wants to see that, but take your time and don’t get injuries.
Yuzu: (nodding) whether I put that jump in a competition is a difficult decision. There are many skaters who can jump 4 loops so far, but they only do up until 4 sal (nobody has done 4 loop, yet), so I should take many things like my physical strength into consideration.
Nobu: Yup, exactly.

Narration: And at last, Hanyu, who has become an Olympic gold medalist at the age of 19, talked about his future.

Nobu: So, you became an OG gold medalist, and what lays beyond that for you?
Yuzu: Well, the gold included, too, so everything happened this season are those of this season. When the new season starts, the competitions will have the same titles(names), but they will be held in different places, different rinks and the participants will be different. Sochi is Sochi and Pyongchang is Pyongchang. They are not the same. For example, the winner of Torino could not win at Vancouver. Things had changed for those 4 years between Torino and Vancouver. So I think the same will happen (between Sochi and Pyongchang). But in such a change, if the level of the Japanese men’s team goes up and so does that of other countries skaters, it is very exciting to see how the next era will be. And in that situation, I will be very motivated to do my best. Everyone will get better and the next generation will get better. That is one of my dreams.
Nobu: Yeah, so everyone will get better together.
Yuzu: Yeah, and your pupils (will/should) get better.
Nobu: Yes, I should be raising good next generation skaters. I should not be appearing in all those TV shows. (laugh)
Yuzu: (laugh) You are damn right.
Nobu: I think we were Okayed. (laugh) Thank you. Oh, well, I was so nervous and my palms sweated so much. (lauch)
Yuzu laughing so hard.
Nobu: I am not good with free conversations. I am good at giving jokes.
Yuzu: Well, then, give us one.
Nobu: You want one? (He showed his gag and Yuzu collapsed not because it was funny, but because it was not really funny.
Źródło: GS

Z dzisiejszego spotkania z Cesarzem:
Tłumaczenie rozmowy Cesarza z Yuzuru:
NARRATOR: …The first individual His and Her Highness approached to speak to was the athlete, Hanyu Yuzuru.

EMP: Really, truly congratulations.
YUZ: Thank you (as he bows).
EMP: How great for you that you were able to obtain very good results. We are delighted.
YUZ: Yes, thank you, “okagesamade”—which roughly translates to, “thanks to your support,” with “you” not necessarily directly referring to specific individuals.
EMP: You must have suffered a lot since you faced the Great Earthquake of 2011…
YUZ: Yes, but I still feel blessed because, thanks to all the support I get from everyone, I am able to continue to skate.
EMP: What were some of the toughest challenges you faced?
YUZ: Not being able to train was very difficult for me…but I feel lucky that I have been able to get good outcomes [at competitions].
EMP: That is splendid.
YUZ: Thank you.
EMPRESS: I understand that you spent some time at the evacuation center…

[NOTE: The Emperor and the Empress paid routine visits to the evacuation centers throughout the region, dressed as laypeople, following the disaster—when most non-residents avoided the area due to the aftershocks, radioactivity, etc.]

YUZ: Yes, I spent four days at the evacuation center.
EMPRESS: How is your family doing now?
YUZ: My mother and I live in Canada to train, and my father and my sister still live in Sendai, and they are… [interrupted by EMP}
EMP:…were they okay?
YUZ: Yes, they were safe, thank you.
EMPRESS: …Oh, I am delighted to hear…Congratulations. Wonderful…
YUZ: Thank you (bows deeply a few times)…I am not worthy.
EMP: I am so happy for you… “
Źródło: GS

: 2014-04-18, 14:47
autor: Poice
Według raportów fanów na pokazach w Nagoya Yuzuru zaliczył upadek przy 4T, ale ponownie skoczył 4R :)

edit 19.04.:
Wywiad z Orserem na temat Yuzuru, ale również Mao:
In Sochi Olympics, the skaters who had the origin in Asia swept the podium; Hanyu for Gold, Patrick Chan for Silver and Denis Ten for Bronze.
Yuna Kim once you had taught also got the second medal of the Olympics in Sochi after getting the gold medal in Vancouver.
What is the reason for the success of the skaters from the Asian roots?

They are easy to rotate with their low center of gravity and small pelves. Self-discipline is rooted in their culture. It is also easy to manage the weight.

Is Hanyu the same kind, too?

If we make a plan, Yuzuru does exactly as we planed. If we plan to skate from twelve o'clock, he makes his warm-up done and is ready by then.
He doesn't care about the noise, too. He is not sociable very much and did not play around, he thought about physical condition management the first.

You were a member of the Team Japan. How did you see Mao Asada who couldn't get a medal but attracted attention?

She has high ability and is beautiful. She had hardships in both of her real life and the competition side, it was like a roller coaster with ups and downs.
But she overcame them all. She is the existence that raised this sport a level higher in the standard.
I was thinking that she could get the gold medal, I really thought so.

Asada kept challenging 3A, the jump you also had in your competitive career.

I was one of the first skaters who executed 3A in the late 70's. Once you executes 3A, you are required to do it involving the fans, the media and the whole skating communities.

Do you think it was easier for Asada if she gave up 3A?

She could not want to choose the easy way because she was the champion. You all ask her for sure, "Why did you not do it?", don't you? What's called "responsibility" occurs in working on the advanced skill.

Don't you think the base value of 3A should be higher?

Having done that, there will be the opinion that 3-3 combination is more difficult. Both elements are difficult. I think the current base value is fair.

As for this sport, we always have the controversy in the scoring. Comparing the performances of Sotnikova and Kim, there is an argument in Korea about Kim's score which was too low.

I have watched it only on TV, so I can't judge it correctly.
When I say the impressions on that premise, the scores for SP of Yuna Kim and Carolina Kostner could have been higher.
And as my opinion, I felt that Kostner should have won overall. However, the performance of Sotnikova was special with her youth and energy.

How are you going to lead Hanyu from now on?

We will work on brushing up the skating skills and strengthening the transitions. Directionality of the choreography is also important.

Why do you point out the choreography?

I want to investigate what is the most suitable for him who is young and has various possibilities.
Yuna Kim did search for it, too. He is going to try many kinds of choreographies to find out the good one such as James Bond SP for Kim.

Do you have something to say about the current scoring system?

I train my students according to the rules we are given.
However, if there is one thing which does not change regardless of how the rules change, it is skating skill.
If there are new requirements in changing the rules, they still can grow into the skaters who are scored high if they train even the skating skill.

edit 2.

Z twittera Nobu: ,,交渉し続けて一週間。粘りました. お目めぱっちりんこ." - Nobu stwierdził, że tydzień musiał namawiać Yuzu by zrobić to zdjęcie xD

: 2014-04-20, 19:19
autor: Poice
Na dzisiejszych pokazach Yuzuru zaliczył upadek przy 4T i 3A .....skoczył czysto 3Lz+3T. Na koniec programu uklęknął na lodzie i przeprosił publiczność :-? Później dwukrotnie próbował skoczyć 4R - raz został tylko 1R, a drugim razem upadł. Niestety przed nim pracowity czerwiec i lipiec (na szczęście w maju ma tylko jedną kilkudniową galę). Mam nadzieję, że wie co robi i znajdzie czas na odpoczynek.

Poza tym mamy chyba nową parę w Japonii:
:hihi: :what:
Źródło: Blog Narumi i Kihary

True story! R&J 1 vs R&J 2
Piękne podsumowanie drogi Yuzuru do złota w Sochi :)

: 2014-04-22, 09:36
autor: Poice
Just for fun:
